Frequently Asked Questions


We will continue to update this section of the document to ensure we are keeping all of the community updated with information. We will split the FAQ into different sections for ease of navigation under a few categories:

  • General FAQ

  • Holder FAQ

  • Extras

General FAQ:

No questions for now, we will fill this out as we go.

Holder FAQ:

1) Do I have to play the game to earn benefits within the community?

No, you do not need to play the game. As you stake passively, you will earn gold and XP, albeit at slower rates. With the gold, you will still be able to purchase items, expand/customize your hideout, and gain rewards. XP will also be gained passively, which will naturally level up your SIN Level and grant you rewards. The system is hybridized so that it rewards everyone, from enthusiastic gamers to passive holders.


No questions for now, we will fill this out as we go.

Last updated